XLL+ Class Library

CXlOper Methods

The methods of the CXlOper class are listed here.


public methodCXlOperConstructs a CXlOper object


public methodInitInitialise the CXlOper contents
public methodClearReclaim resources from CXlOper


public methodCompareCompare the contents of this CXlOper with another
public methodoperator ==Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another
public methodoperator !=Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another
public methodoperator <Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another
public methodoperator <=Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another
public methodoperator >Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another
public methodoperator >=Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another

Type inspection

public methodIsArrayDoes the CXlOper contain an array?
public methodIsDoubleDoes the CXlOper contain a double-precision floating point number?
public methodIsErrorDoes the CXlOper contain an error?
public methodIsBoolDoes the CXlOper contain a boolean?
public methodIsStringDoes the CXlOper contain a string?
public methodIsIntDoes the CXlOper contain an integer?
public methodIsEmptyIs the CXlOper empty?
public methodIsMissingIs the CXlOper missing (i.e. omitted from the caller's argument list)?
public methodIsSRefDoes the CXlOper contain a single reference?
public methodIsMRefDoes the CXlOper contain a multiple reference?
public methodIsRefDoes the CXlOper contain a reference?

Assignment operators

public methodoperator =Assigns a new value to the CXlOper, using a variety of input types

Output casting operators

public methodoperator doubleReturns a numeric value
public methodoperator CStringReturns a string value
public methodoperator BOOLReturns a boolean value
public methodoperator []Returns an item from an array

Input functions

public methodFromDoubleAssigns an floating-point numeric value and data type to the CXlOper
public methodFromErrorAssigns an error value and data type to the CXlOper
public methodFromBoolAssigns a boolean value and data type to the CXlOper
public methodFromStringAssigns a string value and data type to the CXlOper
public methodFromSRefAssigns a single range reference to the CXlOper
public methodFromMRefAssigns multiple range references to the CXlOper
public methodFromDoubleArrayAssigns the CXlOper to be an array of double's, and copies values into the array
public methodFromMatrixAssigns a 2-dimensional array of numbers, booleans or strings to the CXlOper
public methodFromVectorAssigns a 1-dimensional array of numbers, booleans or strings to the CXlOper
public methodFromNumericVectorAssigns a 1-dimensional array of numbers to the CXlOper
public methodFromIntAssigns a single integer to the CXlOper

Output functions

public methodToDoubleRetrieves a numeric value from the CXlOper
public methodToStringReturns a string value
public methodToBoolReturns a boolean value
public methodToIntReturns an integer value
public methodToXLREFRetrieves a single range reference from a CXlOper
public methodToSRefRetrieves/sets a single range reference from a CXlOper

Array functions

public methodGetWidthReturns the number of columns in an array
public methodGetHeightReturns the number of rows in an array
public methodGetDimsGets the number of rows and columns in an array
public methodGetCountReturns the number of cells in an array
public methodCellReturns a reference to an item in an array
public methodIsVectorReturns TRUE if the CXlOper contains 1 row and/or 1 column
public methodGetVectorCountReturns the number of cells in an array
public methodVectorCellReturns a reference to an item in a one-dimensional array
public methodAllocArrayAssigns the CXlOper to be an array, sets it to a size and allocates the memory to contain its items
public methodFreeArrayReleases the resources of an array's items

Matrix & vector functions

public methodReadVectorReads a row or a column from an array into a vector of numbers or strings
public methodReadMatrixReads data from a 2-dimensional array into a matrix of numbers or strings

Reference functions

public methodGetSheetIdReturns the SheetId of a CXlOper containing a reference
public methodGetSheetNameReturns the SheetName of a CXlOper containing a reference
public methodGetRefCountReturns the number of references in a multiple reference
public methodGetRefItemReturns a reference to one of the single references in a multiple reference
public methodGetXLREFItemReturns a reference to one of the single references in a multiple reference
public methodGetRefReturns a reference to the first (or only) single reference in a single or multiple range reference
public methodMakeRefCreates a reference from an address
public methodMakeRefIntlCreates a reference from an address in English
public methodGetActiveCellCreates a reference to the active cell
public methodSetActiveCellSets the active cell to be the cell referred to by this CXlOper

SDK interface

public methodExcelInvoke the Excel SDK
public methodGetCallerRetrieve a reference to the cell or cells that called the add-in function
public methodCoerceConvert an Excel range into an array of values, forcing a recalculation if necessary
public methodChangeTypeConvert a CXlOper from one data type to another
public methodSetValueSet the value of the referenced cells
public methodGetLongStringRead a long string (of up to 1024 characters) from a single cell
public methodGetFormulaGet the formula in the referenced cell, in local format
public methodSetFormulaSet the formula of the referenced cell, in local format
public methodSetLongFormulaSet the formula of the referenced cell, in local format, for formulae of more than 255 characters
public methodConvertFormulaConvert a formula between A1 and RC formats, using local language settings
public methodGetFormulaIntlGet the formula in the referenced cell, in English
public methodSetFormulaIntlSet the formula of the referenced cell, in English
public methodSetLongFormulaIntlSet the formula of the referenced cell, in English, for formulae of more than 255 characters
public methodConvertFormulaIntlConvert a formula between A1 and RC formats, using English language settings


public methodFormatFill the CXlOper with a formatted string (like sprintf() and CString::Format())

Return handlers

public methodRetPrepares a CXlOper to be returned as a value to Excel
public methodpublic methodRetErrorReturns an error value to Excel
public methodpublic methodRetStringReturns a string value to Excel
public methodCallAddinCall an add-in function directly, and store the result
public methodpublic methodRetValReturns a pointer to Excel's return value


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXlOper Class | xllplus.h | COper object