XLL+ Class Library


Assigns a 1-dimensional array of numbers, booleans or strings to the CXlOper

template< class T >
BOOL FromVector(
   const std::vector<T>& dvec,
   BOOL bRow = FALSE,
   long lLBound = 0,
   BOOL toBoolean = FALSE



1-dimensional array of data.

The following types for T are directly supported:

  • bool
  • long
  • unsigned long
  • int
  • unsigned int
  • short
  • unsigned short
  • double
  • float
  • CString
  • std::string
Any other type is treated as an enumerated type, and converted first to long and then to a number.


If TRUE, then the vector created will be a row; otherwise the vector will be a column.


The lower bound of "interesting" inputs. The first lLBound items in the input vector will be ignored.


If TRUE, then the resulting Excel array will contain boolean values instead of numbers.

Return value

Returns TRUE if the function succeeded, FALSE if it failed.


This function sets the type of the CXlOper to be an array with a single column, allocates space for the vector of doubles, booleans or strings provided and sets the values into the CXlOper.

This function is called by the CXlOper(std::vector<...> vec) constructors.

Note that integer numeric types are returned to Excel as boolean values. To return integer types as numbers, use CXlOper::FromNumericVector().


CXlOper::FromVector() Example


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXlOper Class | CXlOper Methods | CXlOper::operator = | CXlOper::CXlOper | CXlOper::FromNumericVector