XLL+ Class Library


Fill the CXlOper with a formatted string (like sprintf() and CString::Format())

BOOL Format(
   const char* lpszFormat,
BOOL Format(
   UINT idFormat,



A formatting string, exactly like those used by sprintf.


The values to be substituted into the output string in place of the tokens in the template string.


The resource ID of a formatting string, exactly like those used by sprintf.

Return value

The result of the SDK call-back. xlretSuccess (0) indicates success. Other values indicate failure. A full list of return values can be found in the section "Return codes" in the MS SDK header file XLCALL32.H.


This function places a string into the CXlOper which calls it. The string is formatted using the template string in exactly the same way as sprintf(). For example:

CXlOper xloResult;
xloResult.Format("#ERROR: Result code %d", rc);


COper::GetDims() Example | CXlOper::AllocArray() Example


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXlOper Class | CXlOper Methods