XLL+ Class Library (7.0)

Function Properties

The properties of the Function class are listed here.


public method CppNameResolved The name of the function as it will appear in C++
public method EntryPointXL12 'C' entry point for 2007 and above
public method EntryPointXL4 'C' entry point for Excel 2003 and below
public method ExportedName The name of the function as it will appear in Excel


public method Availability The conditions under which the function will be available: from a worksheet cell, from a macro and from the Excel Formula Wizard
public method CacheResults Specifies whether the function's results should be cached, to improve performance of expensive calculations.
public method CanDeferRecalc Specifies whether the function can defer recalculation
public method DoNotCallInFormulaWizard Specifies whether the function returns early, without any action, when called from the Excel Formula Wizard
public method DoNotCatchStructuredExceptions Controls whether wrapper functions will contain code to catch C runtime exceptions
public method ExecutionCanFail Specifies whether the function may fail while executing
public method IsVolatile Specifies whether the function is volatile, and will be recalculated every time any cell in the same sheet is calculated
public method Versions Controls which Excel versions the function will support explicitly


public method ArgumentValueHasPrefix Specifies whether the inner function's argument values' names are prefixed
public method TemplateKey Identifies the template used to generate the code of this function


public method Extensions The set of function extensions that have been added to the function.


public method Category Category in which the function will appear within the Excel Formula Wizard
public method Description Description of the function which will appear within the Excel Formula Wizard
public method HelpId Numeric help ID (ignored if 0)


public method ReturnType The type of value returned to Excel.

Thread model

public method CreateAsyncVersion Specifies that an asynchronous version of the function should also be created.
public method CreateQueuedVersion Specifies that a queued version of the function should also be created. (Excel 2010 and above only)
public method ExportedNameAsync The Excel name used for the asynchronous version of the function.
public method ExportedNameQueued The Excel name used for the queued version of the function.
public method ExportedNameSync The Excel name used for the synchronous (standard) version of the function.
public method HideSyncVersion Specifies that the standard (synchronous) version of the function is hidden from the Excel Formula Wizard.
public method IsClusterSafe Specifies that the function is cluster safe. (Excel 2010 and above only)
public method IsThreadSafe Specifies whether the function is thread-safe (Excel 2007 and above only)
public method UseAsyncHandleModel Specifies that an extra (dummy) argument should be added to asynchronous function versions, to support spreadsheets created using the older (6.0.x) function model.

See Also

Function Model | Argument model | Group model | Settings model