XLL+ Class Library (7.0)


Specifies that an extra (dummy) argument should be added to asynchronous function versions, to support spreadsheets created using the older (6.0.x) function model.


If this property is set to true, then an additional argument 'RtdSignalCell', will be added to the asynchronous version of the add-in function.

The default value for the property is false.

The property should only be used in order to support existing spreadsheets which used asynchronous functions first developed under XLL+ 6.0.0 to 6.0.4. The extra argument is no longer required, and is not created in asynchronous functions developed using XLL+ 6.2 upwards.


This property is ignored unless CreateAsyncVersion is set to true.

See Also

Function Model | Function Properties | Asynchronous functions