XLL+ 4.3 for Visual Studio 6 & .NET - Full release

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Download: XLL+ 4.3 for Visual Studio 6 & .NET - Full release
File: xlpu_4_3_1_e.exe
Version: 4.3.1
Date: 01-Dec-04
Size: 32 MB

What's New in Release 4.3.1

Release 4.3.1 contains new features to support internationalization, toolbars and COM wrapper libraries. See What's new in XLL+ 4.3 for more details.

Date: 1-Dec-2004
Description: Maintenance commercial release
Files: xlpu_4_3_1_e.exe, xlpn_4_3_1_e.exe, xlps_4_3_1_e.exe, xlp_demo_4_3_1_e.exe

Item Change Description
F00069 FIX  - CXllApp::GetVersionInfo() Errors in CXllApp::GetVersionInfo() were causing (i) instability in the STL build and (ii) abnormal string truncation in the MFC build. These have been fixed.
F00070 FIX  - CXlOper & COper vector & matrix template functions Bugs in the C6 compiler were causing unpredictable compiler crashes when the templated functions of CXlOper and COper were used. All these functions have been reimplemented as macros for the Visual Studio 6 build only, and moved to a separate file "xlptplmc.h". The compiler crashes no longer occur.
F00071 FIX  - CXlRef::ToString() The class CXlRef was wrongly generating string addresses for cells in column AA. The behavior has been fixed.
F00072 FIX  - CXllApp::SplitSheetName() CXllApp::SplitSheetName() was wrongly truncating the book portion of a combined sheet name. The behavior has been fixed.
F00073 FIX  - COper::ReadMatrix() & COper::ToMatrix() COper::ReadMatrix() & COper::ToMatrix() were crashing Excel when the usIgnoreRows or usIgnoreCols parameters were set. The behavior has been fixed.
F00074 FIX  - COM interface failed in non-English versions The initialization of the COM interface failed in non-English versions of Excel. As a result, events could not be trapped and some samples, including "CalcEvt" would not run. The behavior has been fixed.
F00075 FIX  - Function wizard unable to handle argument names containing 'ia' The Function wizard was unable to handle argument names containing the character sequence "ia". The behavior has been fixed.
F00076 FIX  - VS6 resource editor unable to edit resources When the Visual Studio 6 resource editor was used to edit resources in a project built by the XLL+ AppWizard (using STL libraries only), an error occured when the changed resources were saved. This behavior has been fixed: the resource file header is now named resource.h.
F00077 FIX  - Warning from VS.NET resource editor When the Visual Studio .NET resource editor was used to edit resources in a project built by the XLL+ AppWizard (using STL libraries only), a warning appeared when the changed resources were saved. This behavior has been fixed: the resource file header is now named resource.h.
F00078 FIX  - CXlOper::SetFormula() CXlOper::SetFormula() was setting A1-style formulae relative to the active cell, rather than relative to the cell whose formula was being set. This behavior has been fixed.
F00079 FIX  - CXlOper::ConvertFormula() CXlOper::ConvertFormula() was a static function. As a side-effect of this, it was calculating relative addresses wrongly. Thnis design error has been foxed and is now a const CXlOper::ConvertFormula() member function. This may be a breaking change for existing code that uses CXlOper::ConvertFormula().
E00117 ENH  - Serialization classes The serialization classes (CXlOStream, CXlIStream, CXlSerialData, CXlInputKey, CXlResultSet & CXlOperCache) have been extended for ease of use, and documented.
E00118 ENH  - Serialization sample A new sample, "Serialize", has been added, which demonstrates the serialization classes.
E00119 ENH  - Grabbing a cell value example code New example code has been added to show how to grab a cell value from a sheet in a macro add-in.
E00120 ENH  - Tool bars A new class, CXlToolbar, has been added, which allows the developer to create toolbars, populate them and manage their state.
E00121 ENH  - Toolbar samples Three new samples, "Toolbar1", "Toolbar2" and "Toolbar3", have been added, which demonstrate the CXlToolbar class.
E00122 ENH  - Creating a long formula New example code has been added to show how to create a long (>512 characters) formula.
E00123 ENH  - Safe code for .NET runtime A new sample, "CallDotNet", has been added, which shows how to amend the classes generated by the XLL+ AppWizard, so that they are safe to use with the .NET run-time classes.
E00124 ENH  - CXlOper::AllocArray() A new variant of the function has been added, that allows all cells to be initialized to a supplied value. The documentation has been corrected.
E00125 ENH  - CXlOper::SetLongFormula() A new function has been added, that supports setting formulae of more than 255 characters.
E00126 ENH  - New push model A new version of the Push model has been released, written in Visual Basic for Applications. The model is supplied with source code, and is not supported code. The old C++ Push model, which displays instabilities under Excel 2000, is discontinued.
E00127 ENH  - Formatting cells New example code has been added to show how to format a range of cells.
E00128 ENH  - International settings New example code has been added to show how to get the current international settings from Excel.
E00129 ENH  - International information A new method, CXllApp::GetInternational(), has been added to retrieve the current values of various international settings, including decimal point, thousands separator and list separators.
E00130 ENH  - Creating a workbook New example code has been added to show how to create and populate a new workbook.
E00131 ENH  - Creating a sheet New example code has been added to show how to create and populate a new sheet in an existing workbook.
E00132 ENH  - Extracting a range from an array New example code has been added to show how to extract a range of values from an array argument passed by Excel to an add-in function.
E00133 ENH  - CXllApp::XlInputBox() A new method, XlInputBox(), has been added to the CXllApp class. This displays a simple input box, with caption title and default value. The user can enter a value or select a range in a spreadsheet.
E00134 ENH  - COM Wrappers A new tool, ComWrapperGen, has been added. This generates all the source code for a COM wrapper library, which will allow developers to call your XLL add-in functions from stand-alone Visual Basic, C++ and C# applications.
E00135 ENH  - XLL Version function The built-in version function, optionally built into new add-ins by the AppWizard, now uses the resource file to load the company name.
E00136 ENH  - CXlOper::FromNumericVector A new method, CXlOper::FromNumericVector(), has been added, to create an add-in result which contains a vector of numbers, from a vector of any numeric type.
E00137 ENH  - AppWizard creates toolbar code A new option has been added to the toolbar "Add a toolbar". If checked, the AppWizard adds code to create and display a toolbar when the add-in opens.
E00138 ENH  - New CXlOper constructor A new constructor, CXlOper::CXlOper(const CString&), and assignment operator CXlOper::operator=(const CString&), have been added, for the convenience of passing strings instead of CXlOper arguments.
E00139 ENH  - Localized strings Most strings can now be localized, so that they appear in the language of the user (if available). A string such as "#123" will be replaced by string resource 123, loaded from the add-in's resource file, in the current language.
E00140 ENH  - Localized argument names A new field has been added to the Function Wizard, to allow developers to assign resource strings to argument names. The argument names will thus appear in Excel in the language of the user.
E00141 ENH  - New CXlMacros methods New methods have been added to CXlMacros: GetActiveWorkbookName, GetActiveWorksheetName, WorkbookGetWorksheetCount NewDefaultWorkbook, NewSingleSheetWorkbook, WorkbookMove & WorkbookCopy. All these methods allow you to create and manipulate workbooks and worksheets.
E00142 ENH  - New Macro topics New topics have been added to the User Guide, discussing the CXlMacros class, how to use cell references and how to manipulate fornlae in cells.
E00143 ENH  - CXlOper::GetLongString() A new function has been added, that supports retrieving string values which contain more than 255 characters.
E00144 ENH  - CXlRef::MoveBy() A new function has been added, that supports adding a row and column offset to a range reference.
E00145 ENH  - CXlOper international formulae functions New functions have been added to CXlOper, to support getting and setting formulae in international format: GetFormulaIntl(), SetFormulaIntl(), SetLongFormulaIntl(), ConvertFormulaIntl() and MakeRefIntl().
E00146 ENH  - CXlRef international strings New optional arguments have been added to CXlRef::ToString() and CXlRef::FromString(), to support getting and setting RC style cell addresses formulae in international format. A new static method GetRowColumnLetters() can be used to get the petters used for RC style addresses in the langauge of the Excel version being used.

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