HOWTO: Getting the row/column/workbook/worksheet from an XLL call

Reference: Q0060

Article last modified on 7-Jun-2016

The information in this article applies to:

  • XLL+ for Visual Studio 2010 - 7.0
  • XLL+ for Visual Studio 2012 - 7.0
  • XLL+ for Visual Studio 2013 - 7.0
  • XLL+ for Visual Studio 2015 - 7.0

How can I get the row/column/workbook/worksheet that a function was called from?


I am looking for a way to retrieve the row/column and ideally also sheet name and workbook name from which an XLL call was made. I need to do this without VBA and without using the ROW/COLUMN functions in the excel cell itself (i.e. purely inside the XLL C++ function, so the C++ can call those functions if possible).


From within an XLL add-in function, you can use the function CXlOper::GetCaller(). If the function has been called from a cell, this returns 0 and fills the CXlOper with a reference to the calling cell(s).

You should also use CXlOper::IsRef() or CXlOper::IsMRef() to check that the call qwas made from a cell - add-in functions can also be called from code trfiggered by an event, a menu or a button etc.

You can then use CXlOper::GetSheetName() and CXllApp::SplitSheetName() to get and inspect the names of the book and sheet and CXlOper::GetRef() to get the cell reference within the sheet. You can also use CXlRef::Top() and CXlRef::Left() to get the column and row indices of the cell reference returned by GetRef().


The function below extracts the various parts of the reference, and then puts them back together as a full cell address and returns the address as the result of the function.

// Function:    TestFunction
// Purpose:     Demonstrates the use of GetCaller
       // NOTE - the FunctionWizard will add and remove mapping code here.
       //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
#pragma region TestFunction support code
IMPLEMENT_XLLFN4(TestFunction, TestFunction_4, TestFunction_12, "RB", "UB$", 
       L"TestFunction", 0, L"x", 0, L"14", 0, L"Demonstrates the use of GetCaller",
       0, L"is a number\0", 0, 0, L"{TestFunction,,,Demonstrates the use of GetCa"
       L"ller,14,1,1,U,{{0,{x,Double,0,,is a number,,,,}}},{},3,,0,0,,,,0,0}", 1, 
       0, 0)
CXlOper* TestFunction_Impl(CXlOper&, double);
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
LPXLOPER12 TestFunction_12(double x)
       CXlOper xloResult;
       try {
              CXlStructuredExceptionHandler _seh_;
              xloResult.HandleResult(TestFunction_Impl(xloResult, x));
       catch(const CXlRuntimeException& ex) {
              CXllApp::Instance()->DisplayException(xloResult, ex);
       return xloResult.Ret12();
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
LPXLOPER4 TestFunction_4(double x)
       CXlOper xloResult;
       try {
              CXlStructuredExceptionHandler _seh_;
              xloResult.HandleResult(TestFunction_Impl(xloResult, x));
       catch(const CXlRuntimeException& ex) {
              CXllApp::Instance()->DisplayException(xloResult, ex);
       return xloResult.Ret4();
#pragma endregion
CXlOper* TestFunction_Impl(CXlOper& xloResult, double x)
       // End of generated code
       CXlOper xloCaller;
       // Get a reference to the source of the call, and check that it is a cell reference
       if ((xloCaller.GetCaller(TRUE) == 0) && xloCaller.IsMRef())
              CString strAddress;

              // Get the workbook and sheet names
              CString strBook, strSheet;
              CString strFullName = xloCaller.GetSheetName();
              CXllApp::SplitSheetName(strFullName, strBook, strSheet);
              strAddress.Format("[%s]%s!", (LPCTSTR)strBook, (LPCTSTR)strSheet);

              // Get the cell address as a string
              strAddress += xloCaller.GetRef().ToString(TRUE);

              // Return the complete address
              xloResult = strAddress;
       return xloResult.Ret();