XLL+ Class Library (7.0)


Called by the framework when a ribbon event occurs.

virtual CXlOper OnRibbonEvent(
   const CRibbonEvtParams& e



A set of event arguments contained in a CRibbonEvtParams object.

Return Value

The method should return a value of a type expected for the callback being handled. See RibbonCallbackTypes enumeration for a list of these types. See "Callback types" below for a list of the expected return values and types.


If this virtual method is implemented by an application class, then the method should first call the base class method, for example as in the code below:

CXlOper CRibbonApp::OnRibbonEvent(const CRibbonEvtParams& e)
    CXlOper xloResult = CXllApp::OnRibbonEvent(e);
    switch (e.GetCallback())
        if (e.GetId() == _T("Ribbon1_PushButton"))
            XlMessageBox(_T("Hello from the ribbon!"), XlMessageBoxTypeInformation);
    return xloResult;

Callback types

The table below lists the event parameters and return values for the various callback types.

Callback Description Parameters Return type Return value
RIBBONCALLBACK_ONACTION The user has clicked a button or a menu or has selected an item from a gallery or dropdown. Id, Tag, [Index], [SelectedId], [Pressed] N/A N/A
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETDESCRIPTION The ribbon is asking for the description of a control. Id, Tag String The description of the specified control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETENABLED The ribbon is asking for the enabled state of a control. Id, Tag Boolean True if the control is enabled; false if it is not.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETIMAGE The ribbon is asking for the image for a control. Id, Tag String The resource id of an embedd PNG image, or the name of an PNG file in the same directory as the XLL.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETIMAGEMSO The ribbon is asking for the image for a control. Id, Tag String The id of a standard Office image.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETLABEL The ribbon is asking for the label of a control. Id, Tag String The label of the specified control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETKEYTIP The ribbon is asking for the key tip of a control. Id, Tag String The key tip of the specified control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSIZE The ribbon is asking for the size of a control. Id, Tag Integer 0 for a regular sized control; 1 for a large control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSCREENTIP The ribbon is asking for the screentip of a control. Id, Tag String The screentip of the specified control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSUPERTIP The ribbon is asking for the supertip of a control. Id, Tag String The supertip of the specified control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETVISIBLE The ribbon is asking whether a control is currently visible. Id, Tag Boolean True if the control is visible; false if it is not.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSHOWIMAGE The ribbon is asking whether the image of a control should be shown. Id, Tag Boolean True if the image is visible; false if it is not.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSHOWLABEL The ribbon is asking whether the label of a control should be shown. Id, Tag Boolean True if the label is visible; false if it is not.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETPRESSED The ribbon is asking for the pressed state of a control. Id, Tag Boolean True if the control is pressed; false if it is not.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMCOUNT The ribbon is asking how many items are contained within a control. Id, Tag Integer The number of items in the specfied control. The ribbon will make further callbacks for each item.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMHEIGHT The ribbon is asking for the height of items within a control. Id, Tag Integer The height of each item within a control, in pixels.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMID The ribbon is asking for the id of an item within a control. Id, Tag, Index String The id of the specifed item.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMIMAGE The ribbon is asking for the image of an item within a control. Id, Tag, Index String The resource id of an embedd PNG image, or the name of an PNG file in the same directory as the XLL.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMLABEL The ribbon is asking for the label of an item within a control. Id, Tag, Index String The label of the specified item.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMSCREENTIP The ribbon is asking for the screentip of an item within a control. Id, Tag, Index String The screentip of the specified item.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMSUPERTIP The ribbon is asking for the supertip of an item within a control. Id, Tag, Index String The supertip of the specified item.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMWIDTH The ribbon is asking for the width of an item within a control. Id, Tag, Index Integer The width of the specifed item within a control, in pixels.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETTEXT The ribbon is asking for the current text of the control. Id, Tag String The current text in an editBox or comboBox control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_ONCHANGE The ribbon is notifying the add-in that a text field has been changed by the user. Id, Tag, Text String The current text in an editBox or comboBox control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSELECTEDITEMID The ribbon is asking for the id of the currently selected item of a control. Id, Tag String The id of the selected item.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSELECTEDITEMINDEX The ribbon is asking for the index of the currently selected item of a control. Id, Tag Integer The index of the selected item.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETCONTENT The ribbon is asking for the content of a dynamic menu control. Id, Tag String XML markup containing the menu items and buttons.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETTITLE The ribbon is asking for the title of a menu separator. Id, Tag String The title (if any) to be shown on the menu separator.


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXllApp Class | CXllApp Methods | The Ribbon (User Guide) | Ribbon reference | RibbonCallbackTypes enumeration