XLL+ Class Library (7.0)

CXlMarshaledData Methods

The methods of the CXlMarshaledData class are listed here.


public method CXlMarshaledData Constructs a CXlMarshaledData object

Assignment operators

public method operator = Assigns a new value to the byte stream

Data operations

public method Attach Attaches the supplied data to the object, replacing any current contents
public method Clear Clears all data
public method Detach Detaches the current data from the object
public method MoveFrom Detaches the data from another object and attaches it to this object
public method Set Copies the supplied data into the object, replacing any current contents


public method ReadArgs Returns the state of the byte stream buffer

Accessor methods

public method GetCount Returns the size of the byte stream buffer
public method GetData Returns a pointer to the byte stream buffer
public method IsGood Returns the state of the byte stream buffer

Memory management

public method static method Alloc Allocates memory for a byte stream
public method static method Destroy Deallocates memory for a byte stream

Comparison methods & operators

public method Compare Compares the object with another
public method operator != Compares the object with another
public method operator < Compares the object with another
public method operator <= Compares the object with another
public method operator = Compares the object with another
public method operator > Compares the object with another
public method operator >= Compares the object with another


Header: xlmarshal.h

See Also

CXlMarshaledData Class | xlmarshal.h | CXlOperCache class | CXlInputKey class | Cache sample