XLL+ Class Library (7.0)


Enters a US English formula in the active cell or in a reference

static int FormulaIntl(
   const CXlOper& formula_text,
   const CXlOper& reference = CXlOper::MissingArg()



Formula_text can be text, a number, a reference, or a formula in the form of text, or a reference to a cell containing any of the above. The formula should appear as it would in an English version of Excel, using US English regional settings.


Reference specifies where formula_text is to be entered.

Return Value

Zero if the function has been called successfully; non-zero if the function could not be called. See Error codes for a list of return values.


See the Microsoft Excel on-line Help for full details about this function.


Header: xlfuncs.h

See Also

CXlMacros Class | CXlMacros Methods