XLL+ Class Library (7.0)


Constructs a CMatrixConvertParams<T> object

CMatrixConvertParams( );
   const wchar_t* argName,
   unsigned long flags = 0,
   long* expectedSize0 = NULL,
   unsigned long lowerBound0 = 0,
   long* expectedSize1 = NULL,
   unsigned long lowerBound1 = 0,
   T& defaultCellValue = T()



The name of the argument to be converted, as it appears in Excel. This name is inserted into error messages if conversion fails.


A set of flags, which are members of the XlConvertFlags enumeration.


A pointer to variable that will receive the number of rows in the matrix. If it has already been set (i.e. does not have a value of -1), and the height of the matrix is not equal to the value. then an exception of type CXlConversionException will be thrown, along with a user-friendly message, such as "Expected 15 rows in X". If the pointer is NULL, then the argument will be ignored.


The number of empty rows to insert at the start of the result matrix. If you are going to pass the matrix to a library function that expects arrays to be 1-based, then this value should be set to 1.


A pointer to variable that will receive the number of columns in the matrix. If it has already been set (i.e. does not have a value of -1), and the width of the matrix is not equal to the value. then an exception of type CXlConversionException will be thrown, along with a user-friendly message, such as "Expected 15 columns in X". If the pointer is NULL, then the argument will be ignored.


The number of empty columns to insert at the start of the result matrix. If you are going to pass the matrix to a library function that expects arrays to be 1-based, then this value should be set to 1.


The default value to be used if a cell within the argument is empty. Ignored unless flags contains one or more of the XLA_DEFAULT_* values.


Header: xlpconvert.h

See Also

CMatrixConvertParams<T> Class | CMatrixConvertParams<T> Methods