XLL+ Class Library (6.3)



xlpexcept.h contains definitions of all the exception classes used by the XLL+ run-time libraries.

The file is automatically included in the project files when the AppWizard creates the XLL+ project.


The table below lists the C++ exception classes declared in the header file.

Class Description
CXlRuntimeException The root exception class. All other exception classes are derived from this.
CXlConversionException An exception thrown by the conversion operations that handle inputs from Excel.
CXlUserConversionException An exception thrown by a user-defined extended type.
CXlOutOfRangeException An exception thrown when an index to an array is out of range.
CXlIllegalArgumentException An exception thrown when a parameter to a run-time function is illegal.
CXlBadOperTypeException An exception thrown when a CXlOper argument contains data of an incorrect type.
CXlChoiceFailedException An exception thrown by XLL+ Function Wizard-generated code, when a multiple choice argument cannot be resolved.
CXlElemTraitsNotImplemented An exception thrown when a conversion operation encounters a data type which has not been registered.
CXlUninitializedOperException An exception thrown when a CXlOper is used before it has been initialized.
CXlArrayTooLargeException An exception thrown when an array is provided that is too large to be returned to Excel.
CXlEmptyArrayException An exception thrown when an array is provided that is empty.
CXlStringTooLongException An exception thrown when a string is provided that is too long to be returned to Excel.
CXlMemoryAllocationFailedException An exception thrown when an attempt by the XLL+ run-time classes to allocate memory fails.
CXlApiException An exception thrown when a call to the Excel API fails.
CXlStructuredException An exception thrown when a C runtime exception (structured exception) is caught.
CXlErrorException An exception which causes a specific error value to be returned to Excel.
CXlApiException An exception thrown when a call to the Excel API fails.
CXlComException An exception thrown when a call to the COM sub-system fails.


The table below lists the C++ macros declared in the header file.

Macro Description
XLEXCEPTION_TRANSLATION Defines a translation between an exception type and an Excel error value.