XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

Global resource functions

Global resource functions are listed here.

Global values

public method XllGetStringLanguageID Returns the langauge used by XllLoadString()
public method XllGetStringResourceHandle Returns the handle of the resource file which will be used by XllLoadString()
public method XllSetStringLanguageID Sets the langauge used by XllLoadString()
public method XllSetStringResourceHandle Sets the handle of the resource file which will be used by XllLoadString()

Load resources

public method XllLoadBitmap Loads a bitmap from a resource file, using the current language
public method XllLoadBitmapForExcelLanguage Loads a bitmap from a resource file, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllLoadBitmapForLanguage Loads a bitmap from a resource file, using the specified language
public method XllLoadBitmapForLocale Loads a bitmap from a resource file, using the specified locale
public method XllLoadString Loads a string from the resource file, in the user's language
public method XllLoadStringA Loads a string from the resource file, in the user's language
public method XllLoadStringForExcelLanguage Loads a string from the resource file, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllLoadStringForExcelLanguageA Loads a string from the resource file, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllLoadStringForExcelLanguageW Loads a string from the resource file, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllLoadStringForLanguage Loads a string from the resource file, in a particular language
public method XllLoadStringForLanguageA Loads a string from the resource file, in a particular language
public method XllLoadStringForLanguageW Loads a string from the resource file, in a particular language
public method XllLoadStringForLocale Loads a string from the resource file, for a particular locale
public method XllLoadStringForLocaleA Loads a string from the resource file, for a particular locale
public method XllLoadStringForLocaleW Loads a string from the resource file, for a particular locale
public method XllLoadStringW Loads a string from the resource file, in the user's language

String translation

public method XllGetTranslatedString Translates a string containing resource IDs, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllGetTranslatedStringA Translates a string containing resource IDs, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllGetTranslatedStringW Translates a string containing resource IDs, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllTranslateString Translates a string containing resource IDs, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllTranslateStringA Translates a string containing resource IDs, for the language of the Excel version
public method XllTranslateStringW Translates a string containing resource IDs, for the language of the Excel version

Excel version

public method XllGetExcelCountryCode Returns the country code of Excel
public method XllGetExcelLanguageID Returns the language ID corresponding to the country code of Excel


public method ResFindLanguageForResource Searches a resource file for a resource whose language best matches the language requested
public method ResFindLanguageForResourceA Searches a resource file for a resource whose language best matches the language requested
public method ResFindLanguageForResourceW Searches a resource file for a resource whose language best matches the language requested
public method ResGetCountryCodeFromLangID Translates a language ID to a country code
public method ResGetLangIDFromCountryCode Searches for a resource whose language matches the country code
public method ResGetStringFromStringTable Gets a string from a resource file in a particular language
public method ResGetStringFromStringTableA Gets a string from a resource file in a particular language
public method ResGetStringFromStringTableW Gets a string from a resource file in a particular language
public method ResListLanguages Gets a list of all supported languages from a resource file
public method ResListLanguagesA Gets a list of all supported languages from a resource file
public method ResListLanguagesW Gets a list of all supported languages from a resource file
public method ResLoadBitmap Loads a bitmap from a resource file, using a specified language
public method ResLoadString Gets a string from a resource file using a preferred language
public method ResLoadStringA Gets a string from a resource file using a preferred language
public method ResLoadStringW Gets a string from a resource file using a preferred language


Header: xllres.h

See Also
