XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

Global date functions

Global date functions are listed here.


public method XlDateToLSerial Transform year, month and day to an Excel serial date
public method XlDateToSerial Transform year, month and day to an Excel serial date
public method XlLSerialToDate Transform an integer Excel serial date to year, month and day
public method XlNow Get the current time
public method XlSerialToDate Transform an Excel serial date to year, month and day
public method XlStringToDate Transform a string to year, month and day
public method XlStringToLSerial Transform a string to a serial date
public method XlStringToSerial Transform a string to a serial date
public method XlToday Get today's date
public method XlWeekday Convert a date to a day of the week


Header: xlldate.h

See Also
