XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

XLL+ Application Wizard - Application Settings

The Application Settings page of the XLL+ Application Wizard allows you to control the content and build flags of a new XLL add-in project. The settings are listed below.

XLL friendly name

This is the name that will be displayed in the Excel Add-ins dialog.

You can easily change it later, by changing the value of CMyApp::m_pszDefName in the application code.

Run-time library

XLL+ comes with two versions of the run-time libraries: one that works with Microsoft's MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and one that uses standard STL (Standard Template Library) classes.

Unless you are using MFC to build parts of the user interface or need to use other parts of MFC for technical reasons, it is better to use the STL libraries.

Use Unicode libraries

This switch chooses the character set for your project. If you wish to use Unicode, check the box.

You can change the project settings to or from Unicode later yourself, if necessary, as follows:

Common Language Runtime Support (/clr)

This switch enables CLR support for your project. If you wish to use the Common Language Runtime, or use your own .NET assemblies, check the box.

You can change the project settings to or from CLR later yourself, if necessary, as follows:

Add XLL+ Include and Lib paths

If this box is checked, then the directories containing XLL+ will be added to the project's Include and Lib paths.

If you uncheck the box, you will need to make sure that the XLL+ header files and library files are available to the compiler and linker respectively.

If you have moved the XLL+ header files and libraries since you installed them, then use the XLL+ Options page to change the values of Settings.IncludePath and Settings.LibPath. These are the values that are used by the AppWizard.

Include a cache for results

Check this box to add a results cache to your project. This can radically speed up the performance of the add-in when the same results are calculated repeatedly.

See Results cache in the User Guide for more details.

Save the cache to file

Check this box to save the results cache to file. Results calculated and cached during one session of Excel will be available again when Excel is restarted.

Add a menu

If this box is checked, then skeleton code to create a menu will be added to your project.

If you do not check it, and you need to add the code later, see Menus in the User Guide for instructions.

Add a toolbar

If this box is checked, then a toolbar will be added to your project.

If you do not check it, and you need to add the code for a toolbar later, see Toolbars in the User Guide for instructions.

Support asynchronous functions

Check this box to add code to support asynchronous functions. If you need to add the code later, see Asynchronous function support in projects in the User Guide.

For more information about asynchronous functions see the User Guide.

Generate a VersionInfo function

This option will add a standard VersionInfo add-in function to your XLL, which can be used in a spreadsheet to get details of the author, date, version build and copyright of the XLL.

You can add a VersionInfo function later by using the Add VersionInfo Function command.

Enable Logging

This option will add basic logging functionality to the project, using the framework in cpplog.h. The following changes are made:

  1. #include <cpplog.h> is added to the main source file.
  2. A logger "g_logger" is added to the main source file.
  3. A logging configuration file, <AppName>.xll.log.ini is added to the project, and is copied to the output directory (alongside the XLL itself) when the project is built.
  4. The logging framework is initialized from the configuration file during the OnXllOpenEx event, when the XLL is opened.

For more information on logging, see Logging in the User Guide.

See Also

XLL+ AppWizard - Overview | Project Settings