XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

Error codes

Error value types

Below is a list of error values that can be returned to Excel as the value of a CXlOper.

Code Value Displayed Description
xlerrNull 0 #NULL! The function's logic requires an intersection of two areas that do not intersect
xlerrDiv0 7 #DIV/0! Divide by zero
xlerrValue 15 #VALUE! Argument is of the wrong type and cannot be coerced to the right type
xlerrRef 23 #REF! A cell reference is not valid
xlerrName 29 #NAME? A range name is not valid
xlerrNum 36 #NUM! The #NUM! error value occurs when a problem occurs with a number in a formula or function. A typical use is for numeric inputs that are out of range.
xlerrNA 42 #N/A Data is not currently available

Result codes

Below is a list of result codes that can be returned by CXlOper::Excel, CXllApp::Excel, and all methods of CXlMacros and CXlFuncs.

Code Value Description
xlretSuccess 0 The function call was successful. This is not always proof of complete success; in some cases the values returned by the call will need to be inspected: they may contain error types (see above).
xlretAbort 1 The function call was interrupted by the user.
xlretInvXlfn 2 The function was not valid or was not valid at this time.
xlretInvCount 4 The wrong number of arguments was passed.
xlretInvXloper 8 One of the arguments was invalid.
xlretStackOvfl 16 Occurs when a call to the Excel SDK API resulted in stack overflow, often as a result of recursion.
xlretFailed 32 Occurs when a call to the Excel SDK API failed, often because the API is not available at this time.
xlretUncalced 64 Occurs as a result of a call to the Excel SDK API, when one of the inputs to the function was an uncalculated cell. An add-in function should return immediately; it will be called again later, when the cell has been calculated.