XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

CallExcel Sample

Demonstrates how to call Excel worksheet and macro functions from an add-in function


This add-in uses the CXlFuncs and CXlMacros classes to call Excel worksheet and macro functions from an add-in function.

Classes and functions used

CXlMacros | CXlMacros::ActiveCell | CXlMacros::EvaluateIntl | CXlMacros::Alert | CXlMacros::WorkbookInsert | CXlMacros::FormulaArrayIntl | CXlFuncs | CXlFuncs::Offset | CXlFuncs::Today | CXlFuncs::Year | CXlFuncs::Roman | CXlFuncs::CellAddress | CXlFuncs::CellCol | CXlFuncs::CellColor | CXlFuncs::CellContents | CXlFuncs::CellFileName | CXlFuncs::CellFormat | CXlFuncs::CellParentheses | CXlFuncs::CellPrefix | CXlFuncs::CellProtect | CXlFuncs::CellRow | CXlFuncs::CellType | CXlFuncs::CellWidth | CXlOper::MakeRef | CXlOper::SetValue | CXlOper::RetError | CXlOper::Ret

Sample project

Each sample project is located in a sub-directory of the Samples directory of the XLL+ installation. To use the sample project, open the solution file CallExcel.sln or the project file CallExcel.vcproj.

You can enable debugging under Excel by using the Setup Debugging command in the XLL+ ToolWindow.

When delivered, the help files are excluded from the build. You can enable the help build by selecting the files CallExcel.help.xml and CallExcel.chm in the Solution Explorer, and using the right-click menu to view Properties. Select the page "Configuration Properties/General" and set the "Excluded from build" property to "No". See Generating help in the User Guide for more information.

See Also

List of Sample Projects