XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

Run-time messages

The localizable run-time messages used by the XLL+ run-time libraries are listed below.

The resource id of each message (as listed in the localized resource file) is XLP_IDS_ followed by the name, e.g. XLP_IDS_EXCEPTION_FORMAT.

Index 1
Description Error format applied to the text of exceptions just before returning to Excel
Parameter 0: message Message text of exception
US English text #ERROR: {0}
Example #ERROR: Expected 2 rows in X
Index 2
Description Result returned by asynchronous functions which have not yet completed
US English text #WAIT!
Example #WAIT!
Index 3
Description Name used for unknown type
US English text unknown type
Example #ERROR: Expected unknown type for X
Index 4
Description Name used for boolean types
US English text boolean
Example #ERROR: Expected boolean for X
Index 5
Description Name used for floating-point number type
US English text number
Example #ERROR: Expected number for X
Index 6
Description Name used for floating-point number type
US English text integer
Example #ERROR: Expected integer for X
Index 7
Description Name used for string type
US English text string
Example #ERROR: Could not convert value from string to date
Index 8
Description Name used for error type
US English text error
Example #ERROR: Expected error for X
Index 9
Description Name used for long integer type
US English text long integer
Example #ERROR: Expected long integer for X
Index 10
Description Generic conversion error message
US English text Conversion error
Example Conversion error
Index 11
Description A conversion operation failed because the unnamed input was of unexpected type
Parameter 0: type The expected type, as a localized string
US English text Expected {0}
Examples Expected number
Expected date
Index 12
Description A conversion operation failed because the named input was of unexpected type
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: type The expected type, as a localized string
US English text Expected {1} for {0}
Examples Expected integer for X
Expected date for X[3]
Expected boolean for X[3,1]
Index 13
Description A conversion operation failed because the named array input was empty
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text Expected at least 1 value for {0}
Example Expected at least 1 value for X
Index 14
Description A conversion operation failed because the named group input did not contain the named item
Parameter 0: group_name Localized group name
Parameter 1: item_name Localized item name
US English text Label {1} not found in {0}
Example Label ValueDate not found in Terms
Index 15
Description A conversion operation failed because the named vector argument has 0 cells or is 2-dimensional
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text Expected vector for {0}
Example Expected vector for X
Index 16
Description A conversion operation failed because the named scalar group has too few items
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_count Number of values expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected at least {1} values for {0}
Example Expected at least 4 values for X
Index 17
Description A conversion operation failed because the named matrix argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: row_count Number of rows expected (always 1)
US English text Expected 1 row in {0}
Example Expected 1 row in X
Index 18
Description A conversion operation failed because the named matrix argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: row_count Number of rows expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected {1} rows in {0}
Example Expected 4 rows in X
Index 19
Description A conversion operation failed because the named matrix argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: col_count Number of columns expected (always 1)
US English text Expected 1 column in {0}
Example Expected 1 column in X
Index 20
Description A conversion operation failed because the named matrix argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: col_count Number of columns expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected {1} columns in {0}
Example Expected 3 columns in X
Index 21
Description A conversion operation failed because the named vector argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_count Number of values expected (always 1)
US English text Expected 1 value in {0}
Example Expected 1 value in X
Index 22
Description A conversion operation failed because the named vector argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_count Number of values expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected {1} values in {0}
Example Expected 4 values in X
Index 23
Description A conversion operation failed because the named grouped horizontal vector argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_count Number of values expected (always 1)
US English text Expected 1 value in row {2} of {0}
Example Expected 1 value in row 2 of X
Index 24
Description A conversion operation failed because the named grouped horizontal vector argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_count Number of values expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected {1} values in row {2} of {0}
Example Expected 101 values in row 2 of X
Index 25
Description A conversion operation failed because the named grouped vertical vector argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_count Number of values expected (always 1)
US English text Expected 1 value in column {2} of {0}
Example Expected 1 value in column 2 of X
Index 26
Description A conversion operation failed because the named grouped vertical vector argument has a size that fails to match a constraint
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_count Number of values expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected {1} values in column {2} of {0}
Example Expected 101 values in column 2 of X
Index 27
Description A conversion operation failed because the named horizontal grouped vector argument has an insufficient number of items
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: row_count Number of rows expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected at least {1} rows for {0}
Example Expected at least 3 rows for X
Index 28
Description A conversion operation failed because the named vertical grouped vector argument has an insufficient number of items
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: col_count Number of columns expected (always greater than 1)
US English text Expected at least {1} columns for {0}
Example Expected at least 3 columns for X
Index 29
Description An attempt to set the value of a CXlOper from a native type or an array of native types failed
Parameter 0: variable_name Name of input variable
Parameter 1: native_type Localized name of native type
Parameter 2: excel_type Localized name of Excel type
US English text Failed to convert {0} from {1} to {2}
Example Failed to convert value[12] from date to number
Index 30
Description An XLL+ run-time library method was called with an out-of-range index
US English text Index out of range
Example Index out of range
Index 31
Description An illegal argument was passed to an XLL+ run-time library method
US English text Illegal argument
Example Illegal argument
Index 32
Description A CXlOper, passed to an XLL+ run-time library method, contained the wrong type of data
US English text Bad XLOPER type
Example Bad XLOPER type
Index 33
Description A conversion operation for a Choice argument failed, because the input did not match any of the expected types
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text Failed to convert {0} to any of the permitted types
Example Failed to convert X to any of the permitted types
Index 34
Description System error occurred. A conversion operation was attempted with a native type that is not supported by the XLL+ run-time library.
US English text XlElemTraits is not implemented for this type
Example XlElemTraits is not implemented for this type
Index 35
Description An attempt was made to populate a CXlOper with an array that is too large for the active version of Excel
US English text Array is too large
Example Array is too large
Index 36
Description An attempt was made to populate a CXlOper with an empty array
US English text Array is empty
Example Array is empty
Index 37
Description An attempt was made to populate a CXlOper with a string that is too long for the active version of Excel
US English text String is too long
Example String is too long
Index 38
Description A converter class attempted to use a run-time parameter that does not exist in the extended type definition
Parameter 0: param_type Localized name of the parameter type: string, integer or boolean
Parameter 1: param_index The parameter index used
Parameter 2: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text Extended {0} parameter index {1} for argument {2} is out of range
Examples Extended integer parameter index 1 for argument X is out of range
Extended string parameter index 0 for argument X is out of range
Extended boolean parameter index 2 for argument X is out of range
Index 39
Description An attempt was made to populate a cell of a CXlOper with a non-scalar value, e.g. an array or a reference
US English text Right-hand side of cell assignment must be a scalar value
Example Right-hand side of cell assignment must be a scalar value
Index 40
Description An illegal value for ignoreItems, ignoreRows or ignoreColumns was passed to a conversion function
Parameter 0: max_value The highest acceptable value for the parameter under the active Excel version
US English text Parameter ignoreItems is out of range (maximum = {0})
Example Parameter ignoreItems is out of range (maximum = {0})
Index 41
Description An illegal cell value (e.g. an array or a reference) was passed as the fill value for an array
US English text Source must be a scalar value
Example Source must be a scalar value
Index 42
Description An attempt was made to fill an array that has already been populated, and has not been cleared
US English text Expected all items in the array to be empty
Example Expected all items in the array to be empty
Index 43
Description An uninitialized CXlOper instance was passed to a run-time function that required an initialized instance
US English text CXlOper instance is not initialized
Example CXlOper instance is not initialized
Index 44
Description The named argument has not been initialized
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text {0} is not initialized
Example X is not initialized
Index 45
Description The named scalar argument has not been initialized, and should contain the specified type
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: type The expected type, as a localized string
US English text {0} is not initialized. Expected {1}.
Example X is not initialized. Expected number.
Index 46
Description The named vector argument has not been initialized, and should contain the specified type
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: type The expected type, as a localized string
US English text {0} is not initialized. Expected {1} vector.
Example X is not initialized. Expected boolean vector.
Index 47
Description The named matrix argument has not been initialized, and should contain the specified type
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: type The expected type, as a localized string
US English text {0} is not initialized. Expected {1} matrix.
Example X is not initialized. Expected number matrix.
Index 48
Description An illegal value was returned by an add-in function. The value returned to the wrapper function must be either 0, the address of the xloResult argument, or the value returned by CXlOper::RetError or CXlOper::RetString.
US English text Illegal value for result of common function. Must be 0, &xloResult or static.
Example Illegal value for result of common function. Must be 0, &xloResult or static.
Index 49
Description The text of the error report generated when one or more add-in functions fail to register successfully
Parameter 0: lib_name Localized library name
Parameter 1: fn_list A list of function names, separated by new-lines
US English text The following functions in {0} failed to register:\n{1}\nDo you wish to continue loading the add-in?
Index 50
Description The title of the error report generated when one or more add-in functions fail to register successfully
US English text Add-in Load Failure
Example Add-in Load Failure
Index 51
Description There was not enough memory available for the requested allocation
US English text Memory allocation failed
Example Memory allocation failed
Index 52
Description A call to an Excel API function failed
US English text Excel API call failed
Example Excel API call failed
Index 53
Description A call to the named Excel API function failed, with the specified error code
Parameter 0: api_call Function name
Parameter 1: rc Numeric error code returned by Excel
US English text Excel API call {0} failed with error code {1}
Example Excel API call DATE failed with error code 32
Index 54
Description A 'C' structured exception occurred during an add-in function
US English text 'C' structured exception occurred
Example 'C' structured exception occurred
Index 55
Description The specified 'C' structured exception occurred during an add-in function
Parameter 0: rc Exception type as a hex number
US English text 'C' exception {0}
Example 'C' exception 0xC0000094
Index 56
Description An exception of type CXlErrorException was thrown. This text will not be returned to Excel; instead the specified error value will be returned.
Parameter 0: xlerr Excel error code
US English text Threw Excel error {0}
Example Threw Excel error #DIV0!
Index 57
Description A call to the COM sub-system failed
US English text COM call failed
Example COM call failed
Index 58
Description A call to the named COM system function failed, with the specifed result code
Parameter 0: api_call Function name
Parameter 1: hr COM result code, as a hex integer
US English text {0} failed with error code {1}
Example CoInitialize failed with error code 0x8007000E
Index 59
Description Name used for 16-bit signed integers
US English text short integer
Example short integer
Index 60
Description Name used for 16-bit unsigned integers
US English text unsigned short integer
Example unsigned short integer
Index 61
Description A conversion operation failed because the named scalar group has too few items
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text Expected at least 1 value for {0}
Example Expected at least 1 value for X
Index 62
Description A conversion operation failed because the named horizontal grouped vector argument has an insufficient number of items
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text Expected at least 1 row for {0}
Example Expected at least 1 row for {0}
Index 63
Description A conversion operation failed because the named vertical grouped vector argument has an insufficient number of items
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
US English text Expected at least 1 column for {0}
Example Expected at least 1 column for X
Index 64
Description A conversion operation failed because the named argument was not a member of the specified list of values
Parameter 0: arg_name Localized argument name
Parameter 1: value_list Comma-separated list of values
US English text Expected one of {1} for {0}
Example Expected one of 1, 2, 3 for X
Index 65
Description Name used for a handle to an object of the specifed type
Parameter 0: object_type C++ object type
US English text handle to {0}
Example handle to YieldCurve