XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

Common Language Runtime support functions

Common Language Runtime support functions are listed here.

Excel to CLR

public method toClr Transform a value received from Excel to a CLR form
public method toClr<T> Transform an array received from Excel to a CLR array
public method toClrDate Transform an Excel date value to a CLR DateTime value
public method toClrDates Transform an array of Excel date values to a CLR DateTime array
public method toClrInts Transform an array of long to a CLR int array
public method toClrObject Transform an Excel value of unknown type to a CLR object
public method toClrObjectMatrix Transform an Excel matrix containing values of unknown type to a two-dimensional CLR object array
public method toClrObjectVector Transform an Excel vector containing values of unknown type to a one-dimensional CLR object array

CLR to Excel

public method objectToXl Transform a value of indeterminate type, received from .NET, to an Excel return value
public method toXl Transform a value received from .NET to an Excel return value
public method toXl<T> Transform a value received from .NET to an Excel return value


Header: xlpclrconvert.h
Namespace: ple::clr

See Also
