XLLQUERY is a command-line tool that examines an XLL add-in and generates a model file which describes the add-in functions it contains. The model file can be used by CWGENCLS.


XLLQUERY -m ModelFile -i XllFile [-i XllFile2] [options]
Parameter Required Description
-m ModelFile Required The full path and file name of the output file, which will be a model file.
-i XllFile Required The full path and file name of the XLL to be analyzed. Note that this parameter may be repeated, so that more than one XLL is scanned into the same model file.
-e ExcelDir Required The directory that contains the desired version of EXCEL.EXE.
-t Timeout Optional The length of time allowed for Excel to start up and load the XLL addins, in milliseconds. If omitted, the default timeout of 10000 (10 seconds) will be used.


In the XLL Host installation, XLLQUERY.EXE can be found in the bin\XllQuery sub-directory of the installation folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Planatech\XllHost\2.0\bin\XllQuery.

The directory will also contain a special version of XLCALL32.DLL, which will be used as a replacement for the standard Microsoft file.
