XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

XlConvertFlags Enumeration

The conversion flags used by XLL+ run-time library conversion functions.

enum XlConvertFlags


The XlConvertFlags enumeration contains the conversion flags used by XLL+ run-time library conversion functions.

For more information please see the technical note Conversion functions.


XLA_TRUNC_ONZERO 0x00000001 Arrays are truncated when a cell containing the value zero is encountered.
XLA_TRUNC_ONEMPTY 0x00000002 Arrays are truncated when an empty cell is encountered.
XLA_TRUNC_ONNONNUMERIC 0x00000004 Arrays are truncated when a cell containing a non-numeric value is encountered.
XLA_TRUNC_ONBLANK 0x00000008 Arrays are truncated when a cell containing a blank string (e.g. ="") is encountered.
XLA_FILL_USED_AREA 0x01000000 Any empty cell in the used area of an input array is filled with the default value.
XLA_FILL_ALL 0x02000000 Any empty cell in the entire area of an input array is filled with the default value.
XLA_DEFAULT_ZERO 0x00000010 Use default value if cell contains zero.
XLA_DEFAULT_EMPTY 0x00000020 Use default value if cell is empty.
XLA_DEFAULT_NONNUMERIC 0x00000040 Use default value if cell contains a non-numeric value.
XLA_DEFAULT_BLANK 0x00000080 Use default value if cell contains a blank (e.g. ="").
XLA_FLAG_TRANSPOSE 0x00000100 Transpose the rows and columns of a matrix input.
XLA_FLAG_VECTOR_COLUMN 0x00004000 A vector input must in the form of a column (i.e. a vertical array).
XLA_FLAG_VECTOR_ROW 0x00010000 A vector input must in the form of a row (i.e. a horizontal array).
XLA_BOUND_UBOUND_INNER 0x00100000 A array whose size is constrained will treat the constraint as the index of the upper bound, i.e. size - 1
XLA_BOUND_UBOUND_AUTO 0x00100000 A array whose size is constrained will treat the constraint as the index of the upper bound, i.e. size - 1, if the lower bound of the dimension is not zero. If the lower bound is zero (or is not specified) then the constraint will be treated as the size of the array (in the given dimension).
XLA_CELL_DEFAULT_ZERO 0x08000000 If an array is to be filled, fill cells that contain the value zero.
XLA_CELL_DEFAULT_EMPTY 0x10000000 If an array is to be filled, fill cells that are empty.
XLA_CELL_DEFAULT_NONNUMERIC 0x20000000 If an array is to be filled, fill cells that are non-numeric.
XLA_CELL_DEFAULT_BLANK 0x40000000 If an array is to be filled, fill cells that are blank.
XLA_OPER_IS_GROUP 0x00020000 This flag is used internally by the conversion functions, and should not be set by any other code.


Header: xlpconvert.h

See Also

xlpconvert.h | Exceptions | CXlErrorException