XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

CXlOper::operator =

Assigns a new value to the CXlOper, using a variety of input types

const CXlOper& operator =(
   const CXlOper& xlo
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const CXlCell& cell
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const CXlConstCell& ccell
const CXlOper& operator =(
   double d
const CXlOper& operator =(
   XlErrorType xlerr
const CXlOper& operator =(
   BOOL wboolean
); [Deprecated]
const CXlOper& operator =(
   bool boolean
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const char* psz
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const wchar_t* wpsz
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const std::string& str_stl
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const std::wstring& wstr_stl
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const CString& str
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const CStringA& astr
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const CStringW& wstr
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const CXlRef& xlr
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const std::vector<T>& vec
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const ple::imtx<T>& mat1
const CXlOper& operator =(
   const xlp::matrix<T>& mat2
); [Deprecated]



An initialised CXlOper, whose contents will be copied to this object.


An initialised CXlCell, which points to a cell in a CXlOper whose contents will be copied to this object. See CXlCell.


An initialised CXlConstCell, which points to a cell in a CXlOper whose contents will be copied to this object. See CXlConstCell.


A double-precision floating-point number.


An error number (see also Error Values).


A boolean value: TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).


A boolean value: true or false.


A pointer to a null-terminated ASCII string. Note that under Excel 2007 and above, the string wil be converted to Unicode.


A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string. Note that under Excel 2003 and below, the string will be converted to a multibyte ASCII string, and limited to 255 bytes.


A reference to an STL ASCII string. Note that under Excel 2007 and above, the string will be converted to Unicode.


A reference to an STL Unicode string. Note that under Excel 2003 and below, the string will be converted to a multibyte character ASCII string, and limited to 255 bytes.


A reference to a compiler-dependent string. Note that under Excel 2007 and above, the string will be converted to Unicode if necessary. Under Excel 2003 and below, the string will be converted to a multibyte character ASCII string if necessary, and limited to 255 bytes.


A reference to an ASCII string. Note that under Excel 2007 and above, the string will be converted to Unicode.


A reference to a Unicode string. Note that under Excel 2003 and below, the string will be converted to a multibyte character ASCII string, and limited to 255 bytes.


A populated Excel range reference. If the range reference is valid, the object will become a single reference type.


A vector of doubles, booleans or strings.

The following types for T are directly supported:

  • bool
  • long
  • unsigned long
  • int
  • unsigned int
  • short
  • unsigned short
  • double
  • float
  • CString
  • CStringA
  • CStringW
  • std::string
  • std::wstring
Any other type is treated as an enumerated type, and converted first to long and then to the specified type.


2-dimensional array of data, contained in an object which supports the imtx interface.

The supported data types for T are as for vec.


2-dimensional array of data.

The supported data types for T are as for vec.


These operators assign a new value to the CXlOper. If the CXlOper already contains data, then it will be appropriately cleared before the assignment.


MyDaysInFeb Example | MySort Example


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXlOper Class | CXlOper Methods