XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

CXlMacros Methods

The methods of the CXlMacros class are listed here.

Command-equivalent Macro Functions

public method static method Activate Switches to a window
public method static method ActivateA Switches to a window
public method static method ActivateNext Switches to the next window or switches to the next sheet in a workbook
public method static method ActivatePrev Switches to the previous window or switches to the previous sheet in a workbook
public method static method ActivateW Switches to a window
public method static method ActiveCellFont Equivalent to formatting individual characters in a cell
public method static method AddinManager Adds or removes an add-in from the working set
public method static method Alignment Aligns the contents of the selected cells
public method static method ApplyStyle Applies a previously defined style to the current selection
public method static method AppMaximize Maximizes the Microsoft Excel window
public method static method AppMinimize Minimizes the Microsoft Excel window
public method static method AppMove Moves the Microsoft Excel window
public method static method AppRestore Restores the Microsoft Excel window
public method static method AppSize Resizes the Microsoft Excel window
public method static method Border Adds a border to the selected cell or range of cells
public method static method CalculateDocument Calculates only the active worksheet
public method static method CalculateNow Calculates all sheets in all open workbooks
public method static method CellProtection Allows you to control cell protection and display
public method static method Clear Clears contents, formats, notes, or all of these from the active worksheet
public method static method Close Closes the active window
public method static method CloseAll Equivalent to choosing the Close All command from the File menu
public method static method ColumnWidth Changes the width of the columns in the specified reference
public method static method Copy Equivalent to choosing the Copy command from the Edit menu
public method static method Cut Equivalent to choosing the Cut command from the Edit menu
public method static method DataSeries Equivalent to choosing the Series command from the Fill submenu on the Edit menu
public method static method DefineName Defines a name on the active sheet
public method static method DeleteName Deletes the specified name
public method static method EditDelete Removes the selected cells from the worksheet and shifts other cells to close up the space
public method static method FileClose Closes the active workbook
public method static method FileDelete Deletes a file from the disk
public method static method FillAuto Equivalent to copying cells or automatically filling a selection by dragging the fill selection handle with the mouse
public method static method FillDown Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the top row of a selection into the rest of the rows in the selection
public method static method FillGroup Copies the contents of the active worksheet's selection to the same area on all other worksheets in the group
public method static method FillLeft Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the right column of a selection into the rest of the columns in the selection
public method static method FillRight Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the left column of a selection into the rest of the columns in the selection
public method static method FillUp Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the bottom row of a selection into the rest of the rows in the selection
public method static method FontProperties Equivalent to choosing the Cells command from the Format menu
public method static method FormatNumber Equivalent to choosing the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box
public method static method FormulaFill Enters a formula in the range specified or in the current selection
public method static method FormulaReplace Finds and replaces characters in cells on your worksheet
public method static method FreezePanes Equivalent to choosing the Freeze Panes command from the Window menu or clicking the Freeze Panes button.
public method static method FullScreen Equivalent to choosing the Full Screen command from the View menu
public method static method GoalSeek Equivalent to choosing the Goal Seek command from the Tools menu
public method static method Hide Hides the active window
public method static method HLine Scrolls through the active window by a specific number of columns
public method static method HPage Scrolls through the active window by a specific number of columns
public method static method HScroll Horizontally scrolls through the active sheet by percentage or by column number
public method static method Insert Inserts a blank cell or range of cells or pastes cells from the Clipboard into a sheet
public method static method Justify Rearranges the text in a range so that it fills the range evenly
public method static method Links Returns the names of all workbooks referred to by external references in the workbook specified
public method static method NewDefaultWorkbook Creates a new workbook containing the default number of worksheets
public method static method NewSingleSheetWorkbook Creates a new workbook containing a single worksheet
public method static method NewWindow Creates a new window for the active workbook
public method static method Note Creates a note or replaces characters in a note
public method static method Open Opens an existing workbook
public method static method OptionsCalculation Controls when and how formulas in open workbooks are calculated
public method static method Paste Equivalent to choosing the Paste command from the Edit menu
public method static method PasteSpecial Equivalent to choosing the Paste Special command from the Edit menu
public method static method Patterns Equivalent to filling in the Patterns dialog
public method static method Quit Quits Microsoft Excel and closes any open documents
public method static method RowHeight Changes the height of the rows in a reference
public method static method Save Saves the active document
public method static method SaveAs Equivalent to choosing the Save As command from the File menu
public method static method SaveCopyAs Saves a copy of the current document using a different name but all the current document settings, such as passwords and file protection
public method static method Select Equivalent to selecting cells or changing the active cell
public method static method SelectAll Equivalent to selecting all the sheets in a workbook
public method static method ShowActiveCell Scrolls the active window so the active cell becomes visible
public method static method Split Equivalent to choosing the Split command from the Window menu or to dragging the split bar in the active window's scroll bar.
public method static method StandardWidth Sets the default width used for all columns in a worksheet
public method static method SummaryInfo Generates the summary information for the active workbook
public method static method Undo Equivalent to choosing the Undo command from the Edit menu
public method static method UnfreezePanes Equivalent to choosing the Unfreeze Panes command from the Window menu or clicking the Unfreeze Panes button.
public method static method Unhide Equivalent to choosing the Unhide command from the Window menu
public method static method VLine Scrolls through the active window vertically by the number of rows you specify
public method static method VPage Vertically scrolls through the active window one window at a time
public method static method VScroll Vertically scrolls through the active sheet by percentage or by row number
public method static method WindowMaximize Changes the active window from its normal size to full size
public method static method WindowMinimize Shrinks a window to an icon
public method static method WindowMove Moves the active window so that its upper-left corner is at the specified horizontal and vertical positions
public method static method WindowRestore Changes the active window from maximized or minimized size to its previous size
public method static method WindowSize Changes the size of the active window by moving its lower-right corner so that the window has the width and height you specify
public method static method WorkbookActivate Equivalent to activating a worksheet by clicking on its tab
public method static method WorkbookActivateA Equivalent to activating a worksheet by clicking on its tab
public method static method WorkbookActivateW Equivalent to activating a worksheet by clicking on its tab
public method static method WorkbookCopy Copies a worksheet from the current workbook to another workbook or to a new position in the current workbook
public method static method WorkbookDelete Deletes a sheet or group of sheets from the current workbook
public method static method WorkbookHide Hides sheets in the active workbook
public method static method WorkbookInsert Inserts one or more new sheets into the current workbook
public method static method WorkbookMove Moves a worksheet from the current workbook to another workbook or to a new position in the current workbook
public method static method WorkbookName Renames a sheet in a workbook
public method static method WorkbookNext Activates the next sheet in the active workbook
public method static method WorkbookPrev Activates the previous sheet in the active workbook
public method static method WorkbookProtect Renames a sheet in a workbook
public method static method WorkbookUnhide Unhides sheets in the active workbook
public method static method Zoom Enlarges or reduces a document in the active window
public method static method ZoomMax The current selection is enlarged or reduced to completely fill the active window
public method static method ZoomNormal The document is restored to normal 100% magnification

Customizing Macro Functions

public method static method Alert Displays a dialog box and message and waits for you to choose a button
public method static method AppTitle Changes the title of the Microsoft Excel application workspace to the title you specify
public method static method Beep Sounds a tone
public method static method DisableInput Blocks all input from the keyboard and mouse to Microsoft Excel
public method static method Echo Controls screen updating while a macro is running
public method static method Error Controls the display of alert dialogs while a macro is running
public method static method Formula Enters a formula in the active cell or in a reference
public method static method FormulaArray Enters a formula as an array formula in the range specified or in the current selection
public method static method FormulaArrayIntl Enters a US English formula as an array formula in the range specified or in the current selection
public method static method FormulaIntl Enters a US English formula in the active cell or in a reference

Information Macro Functions

public method static method ActiveCell Returns the reference of the active cell in the selection as an external reference
public method static method Caller Returns information about the cell, range of cells, command on a menu, tool on a toolbar, or object that called the macro that is currently running
public method static method Directory Sets the current drive and directory or folder to the specified path and returns the name of the new directory or folder as text
public method static method Documents Returns the names of the specified open workbooks
public method static method DocumentsA Returns the names of the specified open workbooks
public method static method DocumentsW Returns the names of the specified open workbooks
public method static method Files Returns the names of all files in the specified directory or folder
public method static method GetActiveWorkbookName Returns the name of the active workbook
public method static method GetActiveWorksheetName Returns the name of the active worksheet
public method static method GetCell Returns information about the cell, range of cells, command on a menu, tool on a toolbar, or object that called the macro that is currently running
public method static method GetCellIsArray Returns whether a cell is part of an array
public method static method GetCellIsFormula Returns whether a cell contains a formula
public method static method GetCellIsHidden Returns whether a cell's formula is hidden
public method static method GetCellIsLocked Returns whether a cell is locked
public method static method GetDef Returns the name, as text, that is defined for a particular area, value, or formula in a workbook
public method static method GetDocument Returns information about a sheet in a workbook
public method static method GetFormula Returns the contents of a cell as they would appear in the formula bar
public method static method GetFormulaA Returns the contents of a cell as they would appear in the formula bar
public method static method GetFormulaIntl Returns the contents of a cell as they would appear in the formula bar with US English settings
public method static method GetFormulaIntlA Returns the contents of a cell as they would appear in the formula bar with US English settings
public method static method GetFormulaIntlW Returns the contents of a cell as they would appear in the formula bar with US English settings
public method static method GetFormulaW Returns the contents of a cell as they would appear in the formula bar
public method static method GetName Returns the definition of a name as it appears in the Refers To box of the Define Name dialog box
public method static method GetNameIsLocal Returns TRUE if the name is defined for just the sheet
public method static method GetNote Returns characters from a note
public method static method GetWorkbook Returns information about a workbook
public method static method GetWorkspace Returns information about the workspace
public method static method Names Returns the specified names defined in the specified workbook
public method static method Selection Returns the reference or object identifier of the selection as an external reference
public method static method Windows Returns the names of the specified open Microsoft Excel windows
public method static method WorkbookGetWorksheetNames Returns a list of all the sheets in a workbook

Lookup & Reference Macro Functions

public method static method AbsRef Returns the absolute reference of the cells that are offset from a reference by a specified amount
public method static method DeRef Returns the value of the cells in a reference
public method static method Evaluate Evaluates a formula or expression that is in the form of text and returns the result
public method static method EvaluateIntl Evaluates a formula or expression that is in the form of English text and returns the result
public method static method FormulaConvert Changes the style and type of references in a formula between A1 and R1C1 and between relative and absolute
public method static method RefText Converts a reference to an absolute reference in the form of text
public method static method RelRef Returns the reference of a cell or cells relative to the upper-left cell of rel_to_ref
public method static method TextRef Converts a reference to an absolute reference in the form of text


public method CXlMacros Constructs a CXlMacros object


Header: xlfuncs.h

See Also

CXlMacros Class | xlfuncs.h | CXlFuncs object | CXllApp::Excel | CXlOper::Excel