XLL+ Class Library (6.3)

CXlCell Methods

The methods of the CXlCell class are listed here.


public method Compare Compare the contents of this CXlCell with another cell
public method operator != Compare the contents of this CXlCell with another cell
public method operator < Compare the contents of this CXlCell with another cell
public method operator <= Compare the contents of this CXlCell with another cell
public method operator == Compare the contents of this CXlCell with another cell
public method operator > Compare the contents of this CXlCell with another cell
public method operator >= Compare the contents of this CXlCell with another cell

Type inspection

public method IsBool Does the CXlCell contain a boolean?
public method IsDouble Does the CXlCell contain a double-precision floating point number?
public method IsEmpty Is the CXlCell empty?
public method IsError Does the CXlCell contain an error?
public method IsInt Does the CXlCell contain an integer?
public method IsOfType Is the CXlCell of the specified type?
public method IsString Does the CXlCell contain a string?

Assignment operators

public method operator = Assigns a new value to the CXlOper, using a variety of input types

Output casting operators

public method operator BOOL Returns a boolean value
public method operator bool Returns a boolean value
public method operator CString Returns a string value
public method operator double Returns a numeric value

Input functions

public method FromBool Assigns a boolean value and data type to the CXlCell
public method FromDouble Assigns an floating-point numeric value and data type to the CXlCell
public method FromError Assigns an error value and data type to the CXlCell
public method FromInt Assigns a single integer to the CXlCell
public method FromString Assigns a string value and data type to the CXlCell

Output functions

public method ToBool Returns a boolean value
public method ToDouble Retrieves a numeric value from the CXlCell
public method ToInt Returns an integer value
public method ToString Returns a string value


public method CXlCell Constructs a CXlCell object


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXlCell Class | xllplus.h | CXlConstCell | CXlOper::Cell | CXlOper