XLL+ Class Library



xlldate.h contains some global functions that access Excel's native date functionality.


The table below lists the principal functions declared in the header file.

XlSerialToDateTransform an Excel serial date to year, month and day.
XlDateToSerialTransform year, month and day to an Excel serial date.
XlLSerialToDateTransform an integer Excel serial date to year, month and day.
XlDateToLSerialTransform year, month and day to an Excel serial date.
XlStringToDateTransform a string to year, month and day.
XlStringToSerialTransform a string to a serial date.
XlStringToLSerialTransform a string to a serial date.
XlTodayGet today's date.
XlNowGet the current time.
XlWeekdayConvert a date to a day of the week.

A full list can be found here.