XLL+ Class Library

Data flow

User experience

As an example, we again look at a function that gets the up-to-date price of a stock. The user experience is summarized below.

Step Description Cell value
1 User types a formula into a cell e.g. =GetPrice("MSFT")  
2 Temporary error result appears immediately. #WAIT!
3 A little later, the latest price appears. 63.97
4 Some time later a new price arrives, and the cell automatically updates (perhaps with a color change to indicate the direction of change). 64.03


The flow diagrams below illustrate the data flow between the three major actors, for this example:

  1. Excel
  2. The add-in library
  3. The data server process or thread

In each case the commentary lists all the important push library methods that are being called by the implementation.

Phase A – User enters formula

The user enters a formula =GetPrice('MSFT') into cell B2. At this stage the Data cache is empty, and the add-in does not have any data for 'MSFT'.

Step Description Methods
1 Excel invokes the add-in function GetPrice().  
2 Add-in notes a connection between topic "MSFT" and cell "B2", by calling AddConnection("MSFT"). AddConnection()
3 Add-in checks the data cache for "MSFT" and finds nothing.  
4 Add-in sends an Advise message to the server.  
5 Add-in returns #WAIT! to Excel as the result of the GetPrice() formula. CXlOper::Ret()

Phase B – Server responds

At some later time, the server responds with a message containing the current price of MSFT. It is the responsibility of the add-in to pass the price to any cell in Excel that has asked for it.

Step Description Methods
1 Server responds to Advise message with current price of "MSFT". ProcessAsyncMessage()
2 Add-in copies the price data to its data cache.  
3 Add-in gets a list of cells that are connected to topic "MSFT". UpdateCells()
4 Add-in persuades Excel to recalculate all connected cells.  

Phase C – Excel updates itself

As a direct result of phase B, step 4, Excel now immediately forces a recalculation of all cells that have connections to the topic 'MSFT'.

Step Description Methods
1 Excel invokes the add-in function GetPrice("MSFT").  
2 Add-in notes the continued presence of a connection between topic "MSFT" and cell "B2". AddConnection()
3 Add-in checks data cache for "MSFT" and finds the price.  
4 Add-in returns value to Excel. CXlOper::Ret()

Next: Steps to create an asynchronous add-in >>