XLL+ Class Library

Using the Edit Argument Dialog

Create the function

Using the Function Wizard, add a new function, with properties as shown below:

Category: Statistical
Description: Get the x or y coordinate of the maximum value in an array

Add a Matrix argument

Add the array argument, as follows:

Name: Array
Type: Double
Dimensions: Matrix
Description: 2-dimensional array of numbers

Open the Argument Dialog

To edit more details of the Array argument, we are going to use the Argument Dialog. There are many ways to invoke the dialog.

Using any of the methods listed above, select the Array argument and open the Argument Dialog.

In the Edit Argument Dialog, there are are many more details of an argument available than there are in the main screen of the Function Wizard.

For more details about the dialog see Argument Dialog in the Function Wizard on-line help.

Set the values in the two matrix combo-boxes, as shown below:

Click OK to return to the main screen of the Function Wizard.

Add a Boolean argument

In the Function Wizard add a new argument, XCoord, with fields as follows:

Name: XCoord
Type: Boolean
Dimensions: Scalar
Description: True for the x coordinate (column number), false for y (row number)

Note that XCoord is a Boolean argument (i.e. True or False). It will be passed to our add-in function as type BOOL (int), with values TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).

Click on OK to return to DevStudio and complete the code.

Next: Using a matrix with continuous values >>