XLL+ Class Library

CXlOperCache Methods

The methods of the CXlOperCache class are listed here.


public methodCXlOperCacheConstructs a CXlOperCache object


public methodFindSearches the cache for the result of a previous calculation
public methodAddAdds a result to the cache, with a key composed of all the arguments to the function
public methodSetSets a result in the cache, with a key composed of all the arguments to the function
public methodClearClears the entire contents of the cache

Cache size methods

public methodGetMaxSizeReturns the number of records in the cache
public methodSetMaxSizeReturns the number of records in the cache
public methodReduceSizeReduces cache size by removing records from the cache that have not been recently used


public methodSaveSave the contents of the cache to a file
public methodRestoreRestore the contents of the cache from a file


Header: xlserialize.h

See Also

CXlOperCache Class | xlserialize.h | CXlCacheBinding class<C> | CXlInputKey class | CXlSerialData class | Cache sample | Function attribute: cacheresults