XLL+ Class Library

CXlDialog Methods

The methods of the CXlDialog class are listed here.


public methodCXlDialogConstructs a CXlDialog object without displaying it

Title functions

public methodGetTitleReturns the title of the dialog
public methodSetTitleSets the title of the dialog

Position functions

public methodSetPosSets the position and optinally the size of the dialog
public methodSetSizeSets the size of the dialog
public methodGetLeftReturns the horizontal position of the dialog
public methodGetTopReturns the vertical position of the dialog
public methodGetWidthReturns the width of the dialog
public methodGetHeightReturns the height of the dialog

Control functions

public methodAddAdds a control to the dialog
public methodControlFromIDGets a control from its ID

Display functions

public methodShowDisplays the dialog

Overrideable functions

public methodOnTriggerEvent handler for all triggered events
public methodOnOKEvent handler for OK buttons
public methodOnOptionEvent handler for option buttons
public methodOnCheckBoxEvent handler for check-boxes
public methodOnListBoxEvent handler for list-boxes

Dialog state functions

public methodEndDialogCloses the dialog
public methodGetFocusGets the control which currently has the focus
public methodSetFocusSets the focus to a particular control


Header: xldialog.h

See Also

CXlDialog Class | xldialog.h | CXlControl object