XLL+ Class Library

CXlControl Methods

The methods of the CXlControl class are listed here.


public methodCXlControlConstructs a CXlControl object, without displaying it

Common data functions

public methodGetIDReturns the ID of the control
public methodSetIDSets the ID of the control
public methodGetTextReturns the text of the control
public methodSetTextSets the text of the control
public methodGetValueReturns the text value of the control
public methodSetValueSets the string value of the control

State functions

public methodGetEnabledReturns the enabled state of the control
public methodSetEnabledSets the enabled state of the control
public methodGetVisibleReturns the visible state of the control
public methodSetVisibleSets the visible state of the control
public methodGetTriggerReturns the trigger state of the control
public methodSetTriggerSets the trigger state of the control

Position functions

public methodSetPosSets the position and optinally the size of the control
public methodSetSizeSets the size of the control
public methodGetLeftReturns the horizontal position of the control
public methodGetTopReturns the vertical position of the control
public methodGetWidthReturns the width of the control
public methodGetHeightReturns the height of the control


Header: xldialog.h

See Also

CXlControl Class | xldialog.h | CXlDialog object